SEO Starter Guide for e-commerce

As an e-commerce business owner, you have to focus on more than just building your website and keeping it up-to-date. You also need to make sure that the site is visible to search engines. SEO (search engine optimization) is one of the most important strategies for any eCommerce business because it can help increase traffic, sales, and revenue. This article will go over some of the most important aspects of SEO so that you can make sure your website is optimized for search engines!

1. Keyword Research

As with any other form of marketing, you need to choose the words and phrases that will help you sell your products. It's no secret that there are many different ways to do this, but we've found that some methods work better than others.

Keyword research has been shown to be one of the first practices for e-commerce companies to grow their business. The more targeted keywords you can find, the more opportunities there will be for people searching for them online. This means more traffic coming into your site and buying things!

There are many tools out there for keyword research but one of our favorites is Google Adwords Keyword Planner. It's free and extremely easy to use once you have an AdWords account set up with Google--which doesn't take long at all--so if you haven't already tried it yet then please do so now!

2. Page Title Optimization

A page title is a text that appears in a browser tab, and it's one of the most important factors in SEO. It should be short, and sweet and include keywords, but keep in mind that you can't overdo it—you just need to make sure they're present on every page and don't go too far with keyword stuffing. This is because Google also looks at how long it takes for a user to read through a title, which affects their decision whether or not to click on that link or not; if your titles are too long (i.e., more than 70 characters), then readers might skip over them entirely if they think they won't find anything worthwhile on those pages anyway!

Also remember: Different pages should have different titles because different types of information will appeal best depending on where people are looking - eCommerce sites often use variations like "product name" or "category name" alongside their main keywords so as not only help users find what they want quickly but also provide SEO value at once too! Finally, make sure these titles are unique across all pages (or at least somewhere near) so Google knows exactly what content belongs together; if there's any overlap between two pieces then consider removing one altogether first before trying again later down the line when things settle down again after initial launch efforts have been completed successfully overall."

3. Copywriting for SEO

The third SEO strategy for eCommerce sites is to write content that contains your keywords. This is a simple step, but it’s very important to include your keyword in the headline and body copy of your page.

  • In the first 100 words of your page, you should use your keyword at least once.

  • Use synonyms for your keyword as often as possible on each page (for example: “the best shoes” instead of “shoes”).

In addition to using synonyms, try using different phrasings with similar meanings so that you can get multiple occurrences of the same word without having to repeat yourself over and over again—this will make it easier for search engines to understand what exactly you are talking about!

4. On-Page SEO

Here are the four elements you have to consider and set up for any new page / new product page:

  • Title tags: Title tags are what appear in your browser tab when you visit a site, or as part of search ads if you've clicked through an ad listing. They're also used within Google's Knowledge Graph panel to give you quick information about brands and businesses so you can make better purchasing decisions without having to click through multiple pages.

  • Meta description: The meta description tag is one way for webmasters to tell users what their website offers and how it benefits them. It often appears below your title tag in search results like this: Google description, which allows them to capture some additional real estate as well as inform searchers about what their site contains before they click through for more information. This can help improve click-through rates significantly because it gives searchers an idea about what they'll find when they do hit "enter" instead of just showing up at random sites where people might not understand how valuable it could be for them personally (or even recognize what category they belong).

  • URL: One important thing SEO experts recommend while building URLs is using keywords naturally without making them too obvious—for example, don't just use{28}29^30_31`32a33b34c35d36e37f38g39h40i41j42k43l44m45n46o47p48q49

  • Keyword density: The keyword density of a page is the percentage of times a keyword appears on that page compared with the total number of words on that page. It's calculated by dividing the number of times a keyword appears by the total number of words on the page.

5. Pictures

Don't forget about the pictures. Properly rename files (Instead of IMG-0235912.JPG, label your images to contain a keyword or a description of what’s in the picture). Another piece of advice is to compress your images (The faster your images load, the better for your site’s SEO). One of our favorite online tools is TinyJPG (

6. Off-Page SEO

Off-page SEO is the process of building links, social media shares, and brand awareness in order to improve your search ranking. It’s important to note that off-page SEO is not a black hat tactic and should be used for all eCommerce businesses as it will help your business grow online. Some of the most effective off-page SEO strategies include:

  • Creating backlinks – Backlinks are essentially references from other websites that point directly at your own website or landing pages on your site. A high-quality backlink can increase the authority of a page which makes it more likely to rank higher in search engine results. You can build these by writing guest blog posts or commenting on industry blogs.

  • Using social media – Social media has become an integral part of online marketing due to how many people use it every day, so if you want visibility then it’s important that you have social profiles set up across all platforms (Facebook, Instagram etc). When posting content make sure that each post contains relevant hashtags related to the topic so people searching for those terms will find them easily when looking through their newsfeeds later down the line!

  • Influencer marketing - Getting someone influential within any given field to talk about what makes you different from everyone else out there? That's influencer marketing! It's also known as "influencers" because these are often bloggers who attract large followings due to their expertise or credibility within certain niches (such as fashion blogging). In short: find someone who knows what they're talking about when it comes time to apply some SEO strategies for eCommerce. Not only do the followers count, but above all the influencer’s credibility in your niche market (e.g. sustainable purchases, focus on your values or. vision, etc.)

To recap, here's what you need to do:

  • Perform keyword research for your website.

  • Optimize page titles and meta descriptions for SEO purposes.

  • Write compelling copy that includes relevant keywords, but also speaks to customers in a way that makes them want to buy.

This is the perfect time of year to start developing an SEO strategy! Spend some time researching what you can do, and then get started implementing it on your store immediately (or at least by next month).










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