Fae Albulario, founder & stylist of Style with Fae

JUNE 2021

Fae is a qualified personal stylist based in Melbourne, Australia, and the founder of the stylist studio Style With Fae. We spoke with Fae about how she turned her career from Nurse Manager to change lives through style. Read further to discover her highlights and precious advice to make big changes in your business life.

Q: How did it all begin & what was that aha moment when you decided to start your business/brand?

A: I still remember my moment…I was a few months into my role as a Nurse Unit Manager. As much as I enjoyed it and as much as it challenged me, I was left questioning whether I was heading in the right direction.

I’ve always considered myself a go-getter and spent my career constantly working towards more. But at this moment, I was stumped! So, I turned to a Career Counsellor for reassurance more than anything. During my time with her, I ended up revisiting my love for fashion and styling and explored all the possibilities. Growing up, I always loved fashion and would be the go-to source for advice to family and friends. But I was also driven by the desire to help and care for others, which is why I naturally turned to Nursing. But time with the Career Counsellor allowed me to explore outside of my comfort zone, and yet it still felt right to me! A few months later, my partner received a job promotion, requiring us to relocate. At this point, I had a choice to continue my nursing career or pursue my love for fashion and styling.. and so I took the leap!

I enrolled at the Australian Style Institute, graduated with a Master's in Professional Styling, and created Style with Fae. It’s here, that I’m able to combine my passions and a strong interest in human behavior to help other go-getters understand the true power of style and feel confident in how they present themselves to the world.

Q: What was your background before you start?

A: I have an extensive background in Nursing, specifically Critical Care and Management. I’m so grateful for these years of Nursing, as I’m able to apply what I had learned, such as emotional intelligence, leadership, and my empathetic nature, into my career as a Stylist.

 Before launching Style with Fae, I was also lucky enough to experience styling photo shoots, and runway shows and provided a styling workshop to an Australian leading brand. I’m extremely grateful for these experiences, as I definitely wouldn’t be where I am today without them!

Q: What is the best career advice you have received? Or the advice would you give your younger self about your career?

A: The best advice I’ve received (and the advice I would give my younger self) would be to trust your gut.. You know, more than anyone, who you’re meant to be and what you’re capable of. And you’ll never really be satisfied or fulfilled until you allow yourself to be the best version of yourself.

So listen to yourself, trust the process, and you will soar!

Q: Where do you find the inspiration?

A: Anywhere and everywhere! I’ve always been a visual person and often find myself analyzing whatever I see - whether that be color combinations or how items are styled. I also appreciate a clean or unique aesthetic and find myself flicking through magazines, books, and beautifully curated feeds. From a business point of view, inspiration comes from my fellow stylists and mentors, as well as my amazing clients. To be able to follow their journeys and witness transformations, it’s the best feeling! And it’s the reason why I do what I do today. 

Q: What has been your biggest career highlight with your business/brand to date?

A: So many highlights! I would say traveling interstate to style a runway show has got to be up there! But also, delivering a workshop to a national leading brand about the importance of styling. But most of all, the utmost fulfilling highlight, is seeing the look on my client's faces when they transform and fall in love with themselves again. It’s a moment like no other, and no words can ever express how extremely blessed it makes me feel.

Q: And what has been the most challenging moment to date?

A: The most challenging moment would have to be when I first started my business. I had pivoted my whole life and was in a new city. I was also practicing new skills and had to learn everything from creating a business to marketing, sales, content creation, the list goes on! Until now, I still have those moments, where I feel what I want to accomplish is beyond me. But I always remember my WHY, and I let that drive me.

Q: What do you do when you don't know the answer to a question or new situation? 

A: Research, research, research! Knowledge is power, and I don’t mind spending time reading if it’s going to better me as a person. If I still can’t find the answer I’m looking for, I turn to someone who I feel might! Teamwork makes the dream work, right?

Q: What is the first thing you do when you start your day? 

A: After skincare and spritzing Mario Badescu Facial Spray (the best to wake up!), I make myself a coffee (a must), get dressed (also a must!), and take a moment to scan my Google Calendar to set myself up for the day. I’d be lost without it!

Q: What are your must-have digital tool essentials?

A: Can’t get by without Google Calendar, Canva for all templates, Calendly for appointments, Planoly for scheduling, and Pinterest for Moodboards (for myself and my clients). 

Q: As a businesswoman, it's always important to have support and an inspiring network by your side. Who are your partners in crime or inspiring sources?

A: During the years, I’ve had the pleasure of meeting and collaborating with such amazing and talented women! Everyone has been so supportive, so full of knowledge, and so inspiring! I definitely wouldn’t be the businesswoman I am today if it weren’t for my styling community and the creatives I’ve met along the way.

Q: What are you most looking forward to in the next 12 months for your brand/business?

A: I’m excited to see where this takes me! This year, in particular, has been a rollercoaster and has tested my ability to adapt to circumstances. I’m currently offering virtual services, but am looking forward to providing in-person services again! I’d also love to deliver more workshops and have an exciting project on the line, aimed to deliver my message and help as many people as possible to learn and understand the importance and power of style.


Jo-Anne Haley, lifestyle photographer


Monica Bahna, founder of Storyful Brands